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Getting Started

  • Clone the repository:
    git clone
  • Install poetry
  • Run poetry install --with dev to install dependencies

poetry.toml is configured to use system packages. This can be helpful when working on a cluster with PyTorch already available. To change this set options.system-site-packages to false in poetry.toml.

Linting and Testing

  • Pyright is used for type checking. Type hints are required for all functions.
  • Tests are written with Pytest
  • Black is used for formatting.
  • Linting with ruff.

To check / fix your code run:

pre-commit run --all-files
Install the git hook with:
pre-commit install
To run the full test suite:
pytest --runslow


The code is written in a functional style as far as possible. This means that there should be no global state and no side effects. This means not writing classes except frozen dataclasses (which are essentially just structs) and not using variables outside of functions. Functions should just take in data and return data. The major exception to this is the patching code which injects modules into the main models and patches based on patch_mask instance variables. We use context managers to ensure that state remains local to each function.


Documentation is built with Material for MkDocs. Source files are in the docs/ directory. Reference documentation is automatically generated from docstrings using MkDocs-Material-Docs To build the documentation locally run:

mkdocs serve
with the python environment activated.

Running Experiments

An experiment is defined by a Task, PruneAlgo and Metric. A Task defines a behavior that a model can perform. A PruneAlgo (pruning algorithm) finds edges that perform the behavior. A Metric evaluates the performance of the model on the task after pruning the unimportant edges. Experiments are setup and performed in


Tasks are defined in They require a model and a dataset. - If _model_def is set to a string, then the Task object will try to load a TransformerLens model with that name, otherwise _model_def should just be the actual model object. - Datasets are defined by a _dataset_name, which should be the name of a JSON file in /datasets (excluding the .json extension). The JSON file should contain a list of prompts with clean and corrupt inputs and correct and incorrect outputs.


Pruning Algorithms are defined in prune_algos/ They require a function that takes a Task object and returns a PruneScores object, which is a dictionary mapping from nn.Module names to tensors. Each element of the tensor represents an edge from some SrcNode to some DestNode.


Metrics are defined in metrics/. These are usually functions that map a Task object along with a PruneScores or CircuitOutputs object to a list of x,y Measurements. (In prune_metrics/ x is the number of edges and y is some metric of faithfulness).


The core of the codebase implements edge patching in a flexible and efficient manner. The Nodes and Edges of a model are computed in / PatchWrapper modules are injected at the Node positions (see and a PatchableModel is returned. When a PatchableModel is run in patch_mode the PatchWrappers at SrcNodes store their outputs in a shared object. And DestNodes compute their patched inputs by multiplying their patch_masks by the difference between the outputs of the incoming SrcNodes on this run, and on the input which is being patched in. This means that activation patching requires two passes. One forward pass computes the output of each SrcNode on the input to be patched in. The second pass adjusts the inputs to each patched DestNode to be the same as the first pass.