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BatchKey module-attribute

BatchKey = int

A unique key for a PromptPairBatch.



PromptDataLoader(prompt_dataset: Any, seq_len: Optional[int], diverge_idx: int, kv_cache: Optional[HookedTransformerKeyValueCache] = None, seq_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, word_idxs: Dict[str, int] = {}, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: DataLoader[PromptPairBatch]

A DataLoader for clean/corrupt prompt pairs with correct/incorrect answers.


Name Type Description Default
prompt_dataset Any

A PromptDataset with clean and corrupt prompts.

seq_len Optional[int]

The token length of the prompts (if fixed length). This prompt length can be passed to patchable_model to enable patching specific token positions.

diverge_idx int

The index at which the clean and corrupt prompts diverge. (See load_datasets_from_json for more information.)

kv_cache Optional[HookedTransformerKeyValueCache]

A cache of past key-value pairs for the transformer. Only used if diverge_idx is greater than 0. (See load_datasets_from_json for more information.)

seq_labels Optional[List[str]]

A list of strings that label each token for fixed length prompts. Used by draw_seq_graph to label the circuit diagram.

word_idxs Dict[str, int]

A dictionary with the token indexes of specific words. Used by official circuit functions.

kwargs Any

Additional arguments to pass to DataLoader.


drop_last=True is always passed to the parent DataLoader constructor. So all batches are always the same size. This simplifies the implementation of several functions. For example, the kv_cache only needs caches for a single batch size.

Source code in auto_circuit/
def __init__(
    prompt_dataset: Any,
    seq_len: Optional[int],
    diverge_idx: int,
    kv_cache: Optional[HookedTransformerKeyValueCache] = None,
    seq_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    word_idxs: Dict[str, int] = {},
    **kwargs: Any,
    A `DataLoader` for clean/corrupt prompt pairs with correct/incorrect answers.

        prompt_dataset: A [`PromptDataset`][] with
            clean and corrupt prompts.
        seq_len: The token length of the prompts (if fixed length). This prompt
            length can be passed to `patchable_model` to enable patching specific
            token positions.
        diverge_idx: The index at which the clean and corrupt prompts diverge. (See
            for more information.)
        kv_cache: A cache of past key-value pairs for the transformer. Only used if
            `diverge_idx` is greater than 0. (See
            for more information.)
        seq_labels: A list of strings that label each token for fixed length
            prompts. Used by
            [`draw_seq_graph`][auto_circuit.visualize.draw_seq_graph] to label the
            circuit diagram.
        word_idxs: A dictionary with the token indexes of specific words. Used by
            official circuit functions.
        kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to `DataLoader`.

        `drop_last=True` is always passed to the parent `DataLoader` constructor. So
        all batches are always the same size. This simplifies the implementation of
        several functions. For example, the `kv_cache` only needs caches for a
        single batch size.
        prompt_dataset, **kwargs, drop_last=True, collate_fn=collate_fn
    self.seq_len = seq_len
    The token length of the prompts (if fixed length). This prompt length can be
    passed to `patchable_model` to enable patching specific token positions.
    self.diverge_idx = diverge_idx
    The index at which the clean and corrupt prompts diverge. (See
    [`load_datasets_from_json`][] for more
    self.seq_labels = seq_labels
    A list of strings that label each token for fixed length prompts. Used by
    [`draw_seq_graph`][auto_circuit.visualize.draw_seq_graph] to label the circuit
    assert kv_cache is None or diverge_idx > 0
    self.kv_cache = kv_cache
    A cache of past key-value pairs for the transformer. Only used if `diverge_idx`
    is greater than 0. (See
    [`load_datasets_from_json`][] for more
    self.word_idxs = word_idxs
    A dictionary with the token indexes of specific words. Used by official circuit
diverge_idx instance-attribute
diverge_idx = diverge_idx

The index at which the clean and corrupt prompts diverge. (See load_datasets_from_json for more information.)

kv_cache instance-attribute
kv_cache = kv_cache

A cache of past key-value pairs for the transformer. Only used if diverge_idx is greater than 0. (See load_datasets_from_json for more information.)

seq_labels instance-attribute
seq_labels = seq_labels

A list of strings that label each token for fixed length prompts. Used by draw_seq_graph to label the circuit diagram.

seq_len instance-attribute
seq_len = seq_len

The token length of the prompts (if fixed length). This prompt length can be passed to patchable_model to enable patching specific token positions.

word_idxs instance-attribute
word_idxs = word_idxs

A dictionary with the token indexes of specific words. Used by official circuit functions.



PromptDataset(clean_prompts: List[Tensor] | Tensor, corrupt_prompts: List[Tensor] | Tensor, answers: List[Tensor], wrong_answers: List[Tensor])

Bases: Dataset

A dataset of clean/corrupt prompt pairs with correct/incorrect answers.


Name Type Description Default
clean_prompts List[Tensor] | Tensor

The 'clean' prompts. These are typically examples of the behavior we want to isolate where the model performs well. If a list, each element is a 1D prompt tensor. If a tensor, it should be 2D with shape (n_prompts, prompt_length).

corrupt_prompts List[Tensor] | Tensor

The 'corrupt' prompts. These are typically similar to the 'clean' prompts, but with some crucial difference that changes the model output. If a list, each element is a 1D prompt tensor. If a tensor, it should be 2D with shape (n_prompts, prompt_length).

answers List[Tensor]

A list of correct answers. Each element is a 1D tensor with the answer tokens.

wrong_answers List[Tensor]

A list of incorrect answers. Each element is a 1D tensor with the wrong answer tokens.

Source code in auto_circuit/
def __init__(
    clean_prompts: List[t.Tensor] | t.Tensor,
    corrupt_prompts: List[t.Tensor] | t.Tensor,
    answers: List[t.Tensor],
    wrong_answers: List[t.Tensor],
    A dataset of clean/corrupt prompt pairs with correct/incorrect answers.

        clean_prompts: The 'clean' prompts. These are typically examples of the
            behavior we want to isolate where the model performs well.
            If a list, each element is a 1D prompt tensor.
            If a tensor, it should be 2D with shape (n_prompts, prompt_length).
        corrupt_prompts: The 'corrupt' prompts. These are typically similar to the
            'clean' prompts, but with some crucial difference that changes the model
            If a list, each element is a 1D prompt tensor.
            If a tensor, it should be 2D with shape (n_prompts, prompt_length).
        answers: A list of correct answers.
            Each element is a 1D tensor with the answer tokens.
        wrong_answers: A list of incorrect answers.
            Each element is a 1D tensor with the wrong answer tokens.

    self.clean_prompts = clean_prompts
    self.corrupt_prompts = corrupt_prompts
    self.answers = answers
    self.wrong_answers = wrong_answers


A pair of clean and corrupt prompts with correct and incorrect answers.


Name Type Description Default

The 'clean' prompt. This is typically an example of the behavior we want to isolate where the model performs well.


The 'corrupt' prompt. This is typically similar to the 'clean' prompt, but with some crucial difference that changes the model output.


The correct completions for the clean prompt.


The incorrect completions for the clean prompt.



A batch of prompt pairs.


Name Type Description Default

A unique integer that identifies the batch.


The minimum index over all prompts at which the clean and corrupt prompts diverge. This is used to automatically cache the key-value activations for the common prefix of the prompts. See load_datasets_from_json for more information.


The 'clean' prompts in a 2D tensor. These are typically examples of the behavior we want to isolate where the model performs well.


The 'corrupt' prompts in a 2D tensor. These are typically similar to the 'clean' prompts, but with some crucial difference that changes the model output.


The correct answers completions for the clean prompts. If all prompts have the same number of answers, this is a 2D tensor. If each prompt has a different number of answers, this is a list of 1D tensors. This can make some methods such as batch_answer_diffs much slower.


The incorrect answers. If each prompt has a different number of wrong answers, this is a list of tensors. If all prompts have the same number of wrong answers, this is a 2D tensor. If each prompt has a different number of wrong answers, this is a list of 1D tensors. This can make some methods such as batch_answer_diffs much slower.




load_datasets_from_json(model: Optional[Module], path: Path | List[Path], device: device, prepend_bos: bool = True, batch_size: int | Tuple[int, int] = 32, train_test_size: Tuple[int, int] = (128, 128), return_seq_length: bool = False, tail_divergence: bool = False, shuffle: bool = True, random_seed: int = 42, pad: bool = True) -> Tuple[PromptDataLoader, PromptDataLoader]

Load a dataset from a json file. The file should specify a list of dictionaries with keys "clean_prompt" and "corrupt_prompt".

JSON data format:

    // Optional: used to label circuit visualization
    "seq_labels": [str, ...],

    // Optional: used by official circuit functions
    "word_idxs": {
        str: int,

    // Required: the prompt pairs
    "prompts": [
            "clean": str | [[int, ...], ...],
            "corrupt": str | [[int, ...], ...],
            "answers": [str, ...] | [int, ...],
            "wrong_answers": [str, ...] | [int, ...],


Name Type Description Default
model Optional[Module]

Model to use for tokenization. If None, data must be pre-tokenized ("prompts" is passed as ints).

path Path | List[Path]

Path to the json file with the dataset. If a list of paths is passed, the first dataset is parsed in full and for the rest are the prompts are used.

device device

Device to load the data on.

prepend_bos bool

If True, prepend the BOS token to each prompt. (The prepend_bos flag on TransformerLens HookedTransformers is ignored.)

batch_size int | Tuple[int, int]

The batch size for training and testing. If a single int is passed, the same batch size is used for both.

return_seq_length bool

If True, return the sequence length of the prompts. Note: If True, all the prompts must have the same length or an error will be raised. This is used by patchable_model to enable patching specific token positions.

tail_divergence bool

If all prompts share a common prefix, remove it and compute the keys and values for each attention head on the prefix. A kv_cache for the prefix is returned in the train_loader and test_loader.

shuffle bool

If True, shuffle the dataset before splitting into train and test sets.

random_seed int

Seed for the random number generator.

pad bool

If True, pad the prompts to the maximum length in the batch. Do not use in conjunction with return_seq_length.


shuffle only shuffles the order of the prompts once at the beginning. The order is preserved in the train and test loaders (shuffle=False is always passed to the PromptDataLoader constructor). This makes it easier to ensure experiments are deterministic.

Source code in auto_circuit/
def load_datasets_from_json(
    model: Optional[t.nn.Module],
    path: Path | List[Path],
    device: t.device,
    prepend_bos: bool = True,
    batch_size: int | Tuple[int, int] = 32,  # (train, test) if tuple
    train_test_size: Tuple[int, int] = (128, 128),
    return_seq_length: bool = False,
    tail_divergence: bool = False,  # Remove all tokens before divergence
    shuffle: bool = True,
    random_seed: int = 42,
    pad: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[PromptDataLoader, PromptDataLoader]:
    Load a dataset from a json file. The file should specify a list of
    dictionaries with keys "clean_prompt" and "corrupt_prompt".

    JSON data format:
        // Optional: used to label circuit visualization
        "seq_labels": [str, ...],

        // Optional: used by official circuit functions
        "word_idxs": {
            str: int,

        // Required: the prompt pairs
        "prompts": [
                "clean": str | [[int, ...], ...],
                "corrupt": str | [[int, ...], ...],
                "answers": [str, ...] | [int, ...],
                "wrong_answers": [str, ...] | [int, ...],

        model: Model to use for tokenization. If None, data must be pre-tokenized
            (`"prompts"` is passed as `int`s).
        path: Path to the json file with the dataset. If a list of paths is passed, the
            first dataset is parsed in full and for the rest are the `prompts` are used.
        device: Device to load the data on.
        prepend_bos: If True, prepend the `BOS` token to each prompt. (The `prepend_bos`
            flag on TransformerLens `HookedTransformer`s is ignored.)
        batch_size: The batch size for training and testing. If a single int is passed,
            the same batch size is used for both.
        return_seq_length: If `True`, return the sequence length of the prompts. **Note:
            If `True`, all the prompts must have the same length or an error will be
            raised.** This is used by
            [`patchable_model`][auto_circuit.utils.graph_utils.patchable_model] to
            enable patching specific token positions.
        tail_divergence: If all prompts share a common prefix, remove it and compute the
            keys and values for each attention head on the prefix. A `kv_cache` for the
            prefix is returned in the `train_loader` and `test_loader`.
        shuffle: If `True`, shuffle the dataset before splitting into train and test
        random_seed: Seed for the random number generator.
        pad: If `True`, pad the prompts to the maximum length in the batch. Do not use
            in conjunction with `return_seq_length`.

        `shuffle` only shuffles the order of the prompts once at the beginning. The
        order is preserved in the train and test loaders (`shuffle=False` is always
        passed to the [`PromptDataLoader`][]
        constructor). This makes it easier to ensure experiments are deterministic.
    assert not (prepend_bos and (model is None)), "Need model tokenizer to prepend bos"

    # Load a dataset. If path is a list, only the first dataset is fully loaded.
    first_path = path if isinstance(path, Path) else path[0]
    assert isinstance(first_path, Path)
    with open(first_path, "r") as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    # For other paths, only 'prompts' are added to dataset. (eg. seq_labels is ignored)
    if isinstance(path, list):
        assert all([isinstance(p, Path) for p in path])
        for p in path[1:]:
            with open(p, "r") as f:
                d = json.load(f)

    # Shuffle data and split into train and test
    random.shuffle(data["prompts"]) if shuffle else None
    n_train_and_test = sum(train_test_size)
    clean_prompts = [d["clean"] for d in data["prompts"]][:n_train_and_test]
    corrupt_prompts = [d["corrupt"] for d in data["prompts"]][:n_train_and_test]
    answer_strs = [d["answers"] for d in data["prompts"]][:n_train_and_test]
    wrong_answer_strs = [d["wrong_answers"] for d in data["prompts"]][:n_train_and_test]
    seq_labels = data.get("seq_labels", None)
    word_idxs = data.get("word_idxs", {})

    if prepend_bos:
        # Adjust word_idxs and seq_labels if prepending bos
        seq_labels = ["<|BOS|>"] + seq_labels if seq_labels is not None else None
        word_idxs = {k: v + int(prepend_bos) for k, v in word_idxs.items()}

    kvs = []
    diverge_idx: int = 0
    if model is None:
        clean_prompts = [t.tensor(p).to(device) for p in clean_prompts]
        corrupt_prompts = [t.tensor(p).to(device) for p in corrupt_prompts]
        answers = [t.tensor(a).to(device) for a in answer_strs]
        wrong_answers = [t.tensor(a).to(device) for a in wrong_answer_strs]
        seq_len = clean_prompts[0].shape[0]
        assert not tail_divergence
        tokenizer: Any = model.tokenizer
        if prepend_bos:
            clean_prompts = [tokenizer.bos_token + p for p in clean_prompts]
            corrupt_prompts = [tokenizer.bos_token + p for p in corrupt_prompts]
        tokenizer.padding_side = "left"
        clean_prompts = tokenizer(clean_prompts, padding=pad, return_tensors="pt")
        corrupt_prompts = tokenizer(corrupt_prompts, padding=pad, return_tensors="pt")
        seq_len = None
        if return_seq_length:
            assert t.all(clean_prompts["attention_mask"] == 1)
            assert t.all(corrupt_prompts["attention_mask"] == 1)
            seq_len = clean_prompts["input_ids"].shape[1]
        ans_dicts: List[Dict] = [tokenizer(a, return_tensors="pt") for a in answer_strs]
        wrong_ans_dicts: List[Dict] = [
            tokenizer(a, return_tensors="pt") for a in wrong_answer_strs
        clean_prompts = clean_prompts["input_ids"].to(device)
        corrupt_prompts = corrupt_prompts["input_ids"].to(device)
        answers = [a["input_ids"].squeeze(-1).to(device) for a in ans_dicts]
        wrong_answers = [a["input_ids"].squeeze(-1).to(device) for a in wrong_ans_dicts]

        if tail_divergence:
            diverge_idxs = (~(clean_prompts == corrupt_prompts)).int().argmax(dim=1)
            diverge_idx = int(diverge_idxs.min().item())
        if diverge_idx > 0:
            seq_labels = seq_labels[diverge_idx:] if seq_labels is not None else None
            prefixs, cfg, device = [], model.cfg, model.cfg.device
            if isinstance(batch_size, tuple):
                prefixs.append(clean_prompts[: (bs0 := batch_size[0]), :diverge_idx])
                prefixs.append(clean_prompts[: (bs1 := batch_size[1]), :diverge_idx])
                kvs.append(HookedTransformerKeyValueCache.init_cache(cfg, device, bs0))
                kvs.append(HookedTransformerKeyValueCache.init_cache(cfg, device, bs1))
                prefixs.append(clean_prompts[:batch_size, :diverge_idx])
                    HookedTransformerKeyValueCache.init_cache(cfg, device, batch_size)

            for prefix, kv_cache in zip(prefixs, kvs):
                with t.inference_mode():
                    model(prefix, past_kv_cache=kv_cache)

            print("seq_len before divergence", seq_len)
            if return_seq_length:
                assert seq_len is not None
                seq_len -= diverge_idx
            print("seq_len after divergence", seq_len)

            # This must be done AFTER gathering the kv caches
            clean_prompts = clean_prompts[:, diverge_idx:]
            corrupt_prompts = corrupt_prompts[:, diverge_idx:]

    dataset = PromptDataset(clean_prompts, corrupt_prompts, answers, wrong_answers)
    train_set = Subset(dataset, list(range(train_test_size[0])))
    test_set = Subset(dataset, list(range(train_test_size[0], n_train_and_test)))
    train_loader = PromptDataLoader(
        kv_cache=kvs[0] if len(kvs) > 0 else None,
        batch_size=batch_size[0] if isinstance(batch_size, tuple) else batch_size,
    test_loader = PromptDataLoader(
        kv_cache=kvs[-1] if len(kvs) > 0 else None,
        batch_size=batch_size[1] if isinstance(batch_size, tuple) else batch_size,
    return train_loader, test_loader