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Greaterthan official





greaterthan_true_edges(model: PatchableModel, token_positions: bool = False, word_idxs: Dict[str, int] = {}, seq_start_idx: int = 0) -> Set[Edge]

The Greaterthan circuit, discovered by Hanna et al. 2023.

Based on the ACDC implementation.


Name Type Description Default
model PatchableModel

A patchable TransformerLens GPT-2 HookedTransformer model.

token_positions bool

Whether to distinguish between token positions when returning the set of circuit edges. If True, we require that the model has seq_len not None (ie. separate edges for each token position) and that word_idxs is provided.

word_idxs Dict[str, int]

A dictionary defining the index of specific named tokens in the circuit definition. For this circuit, token positions are not specified, so this parameter is not used.

seq_start_idx int

Offset to add to all of the token positions in word_idxs. For this circuit, token positions are not specified, so this parameter is not used.



Type Description

The set of edges in the circuit.


The Greaterthan circuit does not specify token positions, so if token_positions is True, all token positions are included for the edges in the circuit.

Source code in auto_circuit/metrics/official_circuits/circuits/
def greaterthan_true_edges(
    model: PatchableModel,
    token_positions: bool = False,
    word_idxs: Dict[str, int] = {},
    seq_start_idx: int = 0,
) -> Set[Edge]:
    The Greaterthan circuit, discovered by
    [Hanna et al. 2023](

    Based on the [ACDC implementation](

        model: A patchable TransformerLens GPT-2 `HookedTransformer` model.
        token_positions: Whether to distinguish between token positions when returning
            the set of circuit edges. If `True`, we require that the `model` has
            `seq_len` not `None` (ie. separate edges for each token position) and that
            `word_idxs` is provided.
        word_idxs: A dictionary defining the index of specific named tokens in the
            circuit definition. For this circuit, token positions are not specified, so
            this parameter is not used.
        seq_start_idx: Offset to add to all of the token positions in `word_idxs`.
            For this circuit, token positions are not specified, so this parameter is
            not used.

        The set of edges in the circuit.

        The Greaterthan circuit does not specify token positions, so if
        `token_positions` is `True`, all token positions are included for the edges in
        the circuit.
    assert model.cfg.model_name == "gpt2"
    assert model.separate_qkv

    edges_present: List[str] = []

    # attach input
    for GROUP in ["ATTN_0.3_0.5", "ATTN_0.1", "EARLY_MLPS"]:
        for layer_idx, head_idx in CIRCUIT[GROUP]:
            dest_nodes = idx_to_nodes(layer_idx, head_idx, src_nodes=False)

            for node_name in dest_nodes:
                edges_present.append(f"Resid Start->{node_name}")

    # attach output
    for GROUP in ["MID_ATTNS", "LATE_MLPS"]:
        for layer_idx, head_idx in CIRCUIT[GROUP]:
            src_nodes = idx_to_nodes(layer_idx, head_idx, src_nodes=True)
            for node_name in src_nodes:
                edges_present.append(f"{node_name}->Resid End")

    # MLP groups are interconnected
    for GROUP in ["EARLY_MLPS", "LATE_MLPS"]:
        for src_layer, _ in CIRCUIT[GROUP]:
            for dest_layer, _ in CIRCUIT[GROUP]:
                if src_layer >= dest_layer:
                edges_present.append(f"MLP {src_layer}->MLP {dest_layer}")

    # connected pairs
        for src_layer, src_head in CIRCUIT[GROUP1]:
            for dest_layer, dest_head in CIRCUIT[GROUP2]:
                src_is_attn = src_head is not None
                dest_is_mlp = dest_head is None
                same_layer = src_layer == dest_layer
                attn_to_mlp_on_same_layer = src_is_attn and dest_is_mlp and same_layer
                if src_layer >= dest_layer and not attn_to_mlp_on_same_layer:
                for src_node_name in idx_to_nodes(src_layer, src_head, src_nodes=True):
                    for dest_node_name in idx_to_nodes(
                        dest_layer, dest_head, src_nodes=False

    # Hanna et al have totally clean query inputs to MID_ATTNS heads
    # this is A LOT of edges so we just add the MLP -> MID_ATTNS Q edges

    MAX_AMID_LAYER = max([layer_idx for layer_idx, _ in CIRCUIT["MID_ATTNS"]])
    # connect all MLPs before the MID_ATTNS heads
    for mlp_sender_layer in range(0, MAX_AMID_LAYER):
        for mlp_receiver_layer in range(1 + mlp_sender_layer, MAX_AMID_LAYER):
            edges_present.append(f"MLP {mlp_sender_layer}->MLP {mlp_receiver_layer}")

    # connect all early MLPs to MID_ATTNS heads' Q inputs
    for layer_idx, head_idx in CIRCUIT["MID_ATTNS"]:
        for mlp_sender_layer in range(0, layer_idx):
            edges_present.append(f"MLP {mlp_sender_layer}->A{layer_idx}.{head_idx}.Q")

    true_edges: Set[Edge] = set()
    for edge in model.edges:
        if in edges_present:
    return true_edges