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Ioi official





ioi_head_based_official_edges(model: PatchableModel, token_positions: bool = False, word_idxs: Dict[str, int] = {}, seq_start_idx: int = 0) -> Set[Edge]

Node-based circuit of the IOI attention heads.

To measure the performance of their circuit, Wang et al. (2022) Mean Ablate the heads in the circuit, rather than Edge Ablating the specific edges they find (means calculated over ABC dataset). We include this variation to enable replication of these results.


Name Type Description Default
model PatchableModel

A patchable TransformerLens GPT-2 HookedTransformer model.

token_positions bool

Whether to distinguish between token positions when returning the set of circuit edges. If True, we require that the model has seq_len not None (ie. separate edges for each token position) and that word_idxs is provided.

word_idxs Dict[str, int]

A dictionary defining the index of specific named tokens in the circuit definition. For this circuit, the required tokens positions are:

  • S1+1
  • S2
  • end
seq_start_idx int

Offset to add to all of the token positions in word_idxs. This is useful when using KV caching to skip the common prefix of the prompt.



Type Description

The set of edges in the circuit.

Source code in auto_circuit/metrics/official_circuits/circuits/
def ioi_head_based_official_edges(
    model: PatchableModel,
    token_positions: bool = False,
    word_idxs: Dict[str, int] = {},
    seq_start_idx: int = 0,
) -> Set[Edge]:
    Node-based circuit of the IOI attention heads.

    To measure the performance of their circuit,
    [Wang et al. (2022)]( Mean Ablate the heads in the
    circuit, rather than Edge Ablating the specific edges they find (means calculated
    over ABC dataset). We include this variation to enable replication of these results.

        model: A patchable TransformerLens GPT-2 `HookedTransformer` model.
        token_positions: Whether to distinguish between token positions when returning
            the set of circuit edges. If `True`, we require that the `model` has
            `seq_len` not `None` (ie. separate edges for each token position) and that
            `word_idxs` is provided.
        word_idxs: A dictionary defining the index of specific named tokens in the
            circuit definition. For this circuit, the required tokens positions are:
        seq_start_idx: Offset to add to all of the token positions in `word_idxs`.
            This is useful when using KV caching to skip the common prefix of the

        The set of edges in the circuit.
    assert model.cfg.model_name == "gpt2"
    assert (model.seq_len is not None) == token_positions

    S1_plus_1_tok_idx = word_idxs.get("S1+1", 0)
    S2_tok_idx = word_idxs.get("S2", 0)
    final_tok_idx = word_idxs.get("end", 0)

    if token_positions:
        assert final_tok_idx > 0, "Must provide word_idxs if token_positions is True"

    CIRCUIT = {
        "name mover": [(9, 9), (10, 0), (9, 6)],
        "backup name mover": [
            (10, 10),
            (10, 6),
            (10, 2),
            (10, 1),
            (11, 2),
            (9, 7),
            (9, 0),
            (11, 9),
        "negative name mover": [(10, 7), (11, 10)],
        "s2 inhibition": [(7, 3), (7, 9), (8, 6), (8, 10)],
        "induction": [(5, 5), (5, 8), (5, 9), (6, 9)],
        "duplicate token": [(0, 1), (0, 10), (3, 0)],
        "previous token": [(2, 2), (4, 11)],

        "name mover": final_tok_idx,
        "backup name mover": final_tok_idx,
        "negative name mover": final_tok_idx,
        "s2 inhibition": final_tok_idx,
        "induction": S2_tok_idx,
        "duplicate token": S2_tok_idx,
        "previous token": S1_plus_1_tok_idx,
    heads_to_keep: Set[Tuple[str, Optional[int]]] = set()
    for head_type, head_idxs in CIRCUIT.items():
        head_type_seq_idx = SEQ_POS_TO_KEEP[head_type]
        for head_lyr, head_idx in head_idxs:
            head_name = f"A{head_lyr}.{head_idx}"
            if token_positions:
                heads_to_keep.add((head_name, head_type_seq_idx))
                heads_to_keep.add((head_name, None))

    official_edges: Set[Edge] = set()
    not_official_edges: Set[Edge] = set()
    for edge in model.edges:
        src_is_head = edge.src.head_idx is not None
        if token_positions:
            assert edge.seq_idx is not None
            src_head_key = (, edge.seq_idx + seq_start_idx)
            src_head_key = (, None)

        if src_is_head and src_head_key not in heads_to_keep:

    return official_edges


ioi_true_edges(model: PatchableModel, token_positions: bool = False, word_idxs: Dict[str, int] = {}, seq_start_idx: int = 0) -> Set[Edge]

The Indirect Object Identification (IOI) circuit, discovered by Wang et al. (2022).

The exact set of edges was defined by Conmy et al. in the ACDC repo.

The token positions are based on my reading of the paper.


Name Type Description Default
model PatchableModel

A patchable TransformerLens GPT-2 HookedTransformer model.

token_positions bool

Whether to distinguish between token positions when returning the set of circuit edges. If True, we require that the model has seq_len not None (ie. separate edges for each token position) and that word_idxs is provided.

word_idxs Dict[str, int]

A dictionary defining the index of specific named tokens in the circuit definition. For this circuit, the required tokens positions are:

  • IO
  • S1
  • S1+1
  • S2
  • end
seq_start_idx int

Offset to add to all of the token positions in word_idxs. This is useful when using KV caching to skip the common prefix of the prompt.



Type Description

The set of edges in the circuit.

Source code in auto_circuit/metrics/official_circuits/circuits/
def ioi_true_edges(
    model: PatchableModel,
    token_positions: bool = False,
    word_idxs: Dict[str, int] = {},
    seq_start_idx: int = 0,
) -> Set[Edge]:
    The Indirect Object Identification (IOI) circuit, discovered by
    [Wang et al. (2022)](

    The exact set of edges was defined by Conmy et al. in the
    [ACDC repo](

    The token positions are based on my reading of the paper.

        model: A patchable TransformerLens GPT-2 `HookedTransformer` model.
        token_positions: Whether to distinguish between token positions when returning
            the set of circuit edges. If `True`, we require that the `model` has
            `seq_len` not `None` (ie. separate edges for each token position) and that
            `word_idxs` is provided.
        word_idxs: A dictionary defining the index of specific named tokens in the
            circuit definition. For this circuit, the required tokens positions are:
        seq_start_idx: Offset to add to all of the token positions in `word_idxs`.
            This is useful when using KV caching to skip the common prefix of the

        The set of edges in the circuit.
    assert model.cfg.model_name == "gpt2"
    assert model.is_factorized, "IOI edge based circuit requires factorized model"
    assert model.separate_qkv

    io_tok_idx = word_idxs.get("IO", 0)
    s1_tok_idx = word_idxs.get("S1", 0)
    s1_plus_1_tok_idx = word_idxs.get("S1+1", 0)
    s2_tok_idx = word_idxs.get("S2", 0)
    final_tok_idx = word_idxs.get("end", 0)

    if token_positions:
        assert final_tok_idx > 0, "Must provide word_idxs if token_positions is True"

    special_connections: List[Conn] = [
            "previous token",
            [("q", s1_plus_1_tok_idx), ("k", s1_tok_idx), ("v", s1_tok_idx)],
            "duplicate token",
            [("q", s2_tok_idx), ("k", s1_tok_idx), ("v", s1_tok_idx)],
        Conn("INPUT", "s2 inhibition", [("q", final_tok_idx)]),
        Conn("INPUT", "negative", [("k", io_tok_idx), ("v", io_tok_idx)]),
        Conn("INPUT", "name mover", [("k", io_tok_idx), ("v", io_tok_idx)]),
        Conn("INPUT", "backup name mover", [("k", io_tok_idx), ("v", io_tok_idx)]),
            "previous token",
            [("k", s1_plus_1_tok_idx), ("v", s1_plus_1_tok_idx)],
        Conn("induction", "s2 inhibition", [("k", s2_tok_idx), ("v", s2_tok_idx)]),
            "duplicate token", "s2 inhibition", [("k", s2_tok_idx), ("v", s2_tok_idx)]
        Conn("s2 inhibition", "negative", [("q", final_tok_idx)]),
        Conn("s2 inhibition", "name mover", [("q", final_tok_idx)]),
        Conn("s2 inhibition", "backup name mover", [("q", final_tok_idx)]),
        Conn("negative", "OUTPUT", [(None, final_tok_idx)]),
        Conn("name mover", "OUTPUT", [(None, final_tok_idx)]),
        Conn("backup name mover", "OUTPUT", [(None, final_tok_idx)]),

    edges_present: Dict[str, List[int]] = defaultdict(list)
    for conn in special_connections:
        edge_src_names, edge_dests = [], []
        if conn.inp == "INPUT":
            edge_src_names = ["Resid Start"]
            for (layer, head) in IOI_CIRCUIT[conn.inp]:
        if conn.out == "OUTPUT":
            assert len(conn.qkv) == 1
            edge_dests.append(("Resid End", final_tok_idx))
            for (layer, head) in IOI_CIRCUIT[conn.out]:
                for qkv in conn.qkv:
                    assert qkv[0] is not None
                    edge_dests.append((f"A{layer}.{head}.{qkv[0].upper()}", qkv[1]))

        # Connect all MLPS in between heads in the circuit
        # (in the IOI paper they allow activations to flow through MLPs,
        # which is equalivent to including all MLPs in between two nodes.)
        if conn.inp == "INPUT":
            src_layer = 0
            src_layer = min([layer for (layer, _) in IOI_CIRCUIT[conn.inp]])

        if conn.out == "OUTPUT":
            dest_layer = conn.qkv[0][1]
            dest_layer = max([layer for (layer, _) in IOI_CIRCUIT[conn.out]])
        dest_tok_idxs = [tok_idx for (_, tok_idx) in conn.qkv]

        # Src layer is inclusive because MLP comes after ATTN
        for layer in range(src_layer, dest_layer):
            for tok_idx in dest_tok_idxs:
                edge_src_names.append(f"MLP {layer}")
                edge_dests.append((f"MLP {layer}", tok_idx))

        for src_name in edge_src_names:
            for dest_name, tok_pos in edge_dests:

    true_edges: Set[Edge] = set()
    for edge in model.edges:
        if in edges_present.keys():
            if token_positions:
                assert edge.seq_idx is not None
                if (edge.seq_idx + seq_start_idx) in edges_present[]:
    return true_edges


ioi_true_edges_mlp_0_only(model: PatchableModel, token_positions: bool = False, word_idxs: Dict[str, int] = {}, seq_start_idx: int = 0) -> Set[Edge]

Wrapper for ioi_true_edges that removes all edges to or from all MLPs except MLP 0.

Wang et al. (2022) consider MLPs to be part of the direct path between attention heads, so they implicitly include a large number of MLP edges in the circuit, but they did not study these interactions in detail and most of them are probably not important.

Therefore we include this function as a very rough attempt at "the IOI circuit with fewer unnecessary MLP edges". We include just MLP 0 because it has been widely observed that MLP 0 tends to be the most important MLP layer in GPT-2.

Source code in auto_circuit/metrics/official_circuits/circuits/
def ioi_true_edges_mlp_0_only(
    model: PatchableModel,
    token_positions: bool = False,
    word_idxs: Dict[str, int] = {},
    seq_start_idx: int = 0,
) -> Set[Edge]:
    Wrapper for
    that removes all edges to or from all MLPs except MLP 0.

    [Wang et al. (2022)]( consider MLPs to be part of
    the direct path between attention heads, so they implicitly include a large number
    of MLP edges in the circuit, but they did not study these interactions in detail and
    most of them are probably not important.

    Therefore we include this function as a very rough attempt at "the IOI circuit with
    fewer unnecessary MLP edges". We include just MLP 0 because it has been widely
    observed that MLP 0 tends to be the most important MLP layer in GPT-2.
    ioi_edges = ioi_true_edges(model, token_positions, word_idxs, seq_start_idx)
    minimal_ioi_edges = set()
    for edge in ioi_edges:
        if "MLP 0" in or "MLP" not in
    return minimal_ioi_edges