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Measure roc






measure_roc(task_prune_scores: TaskPruneScores) -> TaskMeasurements

Wrapper of measure_task_roc that measures the ROC curve for each task and algorithm.

Source code in auto_circuit/metrics/official_circuits/
def measure_roc(task_prune_scores: TaskPruneScores) -> TaskMeasurements:
    Wrapper of
    that measures the ROC curve for each task and algorithm.
    task_measurements: TaskMeasurements = {}
    for task_key, algo_prune_scores in (task_pbar := tqdm(task_prune_scores.items())):
        task = TASK_DICT[task_key]
        task_pbar.set_description_str(f"Measuring ROC Task: {}")
        algo_measurements: AlgoMeasurements = {}
        for algo_key, prune_scores in (algo_pbar := tqdm(algo_prune_scores.items())):
            algo_pbar.set_description_str(f"Measuring ROC Pruning with {algo_key}")
            official_edge = task.model.true_edges
            if official_edge is None:
                raise ValueError("This task does not have a true edge function")
            algo_measurement = measure_task_roc(task.model, official_edge, prune_scores)
            algo_measurements[algo_key] = algo_measurement
        task_measurements[task_key] = algo_measurements
    return task_measurements


measure_task_roc(model: PatchableModel, official_edges: Set[Edge], prune_scores: PruneScores, all_edges: bool = False) -> Measurements

Finds points for the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve that measures the performance of the given prune_scores at classifying which edges are in or out of the circuit defined by official_edges.


Name Type Description Default
model PatchableModel

The model to measure the ROC curve for.

official_edges Set[Edge]

The edges that define the correct circuit.

prune_scores PruneScores

The pruning scores to measure the ROC curve for. The scores define an ordering of the edges in the model. We sweep through the scores in descending order, including the top-k edges in the circuit.

all_edges bool

By default we calculate the True Positive Rate (TRP) and False Positive Rate (FPR) for the set of [number of edges] determined by passing prune_scores to edge_counts_util. If all_edges is True, we instead calculate the TRP and FPR for every number 0, 1, 2, ..., model.n_edges of edges.



Type Description

A list of points that define the ROC curve. Each point is a tuple of the form (FPR, TPR). The first point is always (0, 0) and the last point is always (1, 1).

Source code in auto_circuit/metrics/official_circuits/
def measure_task_roc(
    model: PatchableModel,
    official_edges: Set[Edge],
    prune_scores: PruneScores,
    all_edges: bool = False,
) -> Measurements:
    Finds points for the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve that
    measures the performance of the given `prune_scores` at classifying which edges
    are in or out of the circuit defined by `official_edges`.

        model: The model to measure the ROC curve for.
        official_edges: The edges that define the correct circuit.
        prune_scores: The pruning scores to measure the ROC curve for. The scores
            define an ordering of the edges in the model. We sweep through the scores
            in descending order, including the top-k edges in the circuit.
        all_edges: By default we calculate the True Positive Rate (TRP) and False
            Positive Rate (FPR) for the set of [number of edges] determined by passing
            `prune_scores` to
            [`edge_counts_util`][auto_circuit.utils.graph_utils.edge_counts_util]. If
            `all_edges` is `True`, we instead calculate the TRP and FPR for every number
            `0, 1, 2, ..., model.n_edges` of edges.

        A list of points that define the ROC curve. Each point is a tuple of the form
            `(FPR, TPR)`. The first point is always `(0, 0)` and the last point is
            always `(1, 1)`.
    n_official = len(official_edges)
    n_complement = model.n_edges - n_official
    if all_edges:
        test_edge_counts = edge_counts_util(model.edges, test_counts=EdgeCounts.ALL)
        test_edge_counts = edge_counts_util(model.edges, prune_scores=prune_scores)
    desc_ps = desc_prune_scores(prune_scores)

    correct_ps: PruneScores = model.circuit_prune_scores(official_edges, bool=True)
    incorrect_edges: PruneScores = dict([(mod, ~ps) for mod, ps in correct_ps.items()])

    points: List[Tuple[float, float]] = [(0.0, 0.0)]
    for edge_count in (edge_count_pbar := tqdm(test_edge_counts)):
        edge_count_pbar.set_description_str(f"ROC for {edge_count} edges")
        threshold = prune_scores_threshold(desc_ps, edge_count)
        true_positives, false_positives = 0, 0
        for mod, ps in prune_scores.items():
            ps_circuit = ps.abs() >= threshold
            correct_circuit, incorrect_circuit = correct_ps[mod], incorrect_edges[mod]
            true_positives += (ps_circuit & correct_circuit).sum().item()
            false_positives += (ps_circuit & incorrect_circuit).sum().item()
        true_positive_rate = true_positives / n_official
        false_positive_rate = false_positives / n_complement
        points.append((false_positive_rate, true_positive_rate))
    points.append((1.0, 1.0))
    return points