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Answer diff percent






answer_diff_percent(model: PatchableModel, test_loader: PromptDataLoader, circuit_outs: CircuitOutputs, prob_func: Literal['log_softmax', 'softmax', 'logits'] = 'logits', diff_of_means: bool = True) -> Tuple[Measurements, Measurements, List[Tuple[int, Tensor]]]

The average percentage of the difference in the logits (or some function of them) between the correct answers and the incorrect answers in the full model that is recovered by the circuit.


Name Type Description Default
model PatchableModel

The model on which circuit_outs was calculated.

test_loader PromptDataLoader

The dataloader on which the circuit_outs was calculated.

circuit_outs CircuitOutputs

The outputs of the ablated model for each circuit size.

prob_func Literal['log_softmax', 'softmax', 'logits']

The function to apply to the logits before calculating the answer difference.

diff_of_means bool

Whether to calculate the difference of means (True) or the mean of differences (False). This is included because the IOI paper uses the difference of means.



Type Description
Tuple[Measurements, Measurements, List[Tuple[int, Tensor]]]

A tuple of three elements:

  1. A list of tuples, where the first element is the number of edges in the circuit and the second element is the average answer percent for that number of edges.
  2. A list of tuples, where the first element is the number of edges in the circuit and the second element is the standard deviation of the answer percents for that number of edges.
  3. A list of tuples, where the first element is the number of edges in the circuit and the second element is a tensor of the answer percents for each individual input.
Source code in auto_circuit/metrics/prune_metrics/
def answer_diff_percent(
    model: PatchableModel,
    test_loader: PromptDataLoader,
    circuit_outs: CircuitOutputs,
    prob_func: Literal["log_softmax", "softmax", "logits"] = "logits",
    diff_of_means: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[Measurements, Measurements, List[Tuple[int, t.Tensor]]]:
    The average percentage of the difference in the logits (or some function of them)
    between the correct answers and the incorrect answers in the full model that is
    recovered by the circuit.

        model: The model on which `circuit_outs` was calculated.
        test_loader: The dataloader on which the `circuit_outs` was calculated.
        circuit_outs: The outputs of the ablated model for each circuit size.
        prob_func: The function to apply to the logits before calculating the answer
        diff_of_means: Whether to calculate the difference of means (`True`) or the mean
            of differences (`False`). This is included because the IOI paper uses the
            difference of means.

        A tuple of three elements:
                    A list of tuples, where the first element is the number of edges
                    in the circuit and the second element is the average answer
                    percent for that number of edges.
                    A list of tuples, where the first element is the number of edges
                    in the circuit and the second element is the standard deviation of
                    the answer percents for that number of edges.
                    A list of tuples, where the first element is the number of edges
                    in the circuit and the second element is a tensor of the answer
                    percents for each individual input.

    means: Measurements = []
    standard_devs: Measurements = []
    points: List[Tuple[int, t.Tensor]] = []
    if prob_func == "softmax":
        apply_prob_func = t.nn.functional.softmax
    elif prob_func == "log_softmax":
        apply_prob_func = t.nn.functional.log_softmax
        assert prob_func == "logits"
        apply_prob_func = identity

    batch_default_probs: Dict[BatchKey, t.Tensor] = {}
    for batch in test_loader:
        default_out = model(batch.clean)[model.out_slice]
        batch_val = apply_prob_func(default_out, dim=-1)
        batch_default_probs[batch.key] = batch_val

    for edge_count, batch_outs in (pruned_out_pbar := tqdm(circuit_outs.items())):
        pruned_out_pbar.set_description_str(f"Answer Diff for {edge_count} edges")
        # PromptDataLoaders have all batches the same size, so we mean the batch means
        if diff_of_means:
            pred_answer_diffs, target_answer_diffs = [], []
            for batch in test_loader:
                circ_probs = apply_prob_func(batch_outs[batch.key], dim=-1)
                default_probs = batch_default_probs[batch.key]
                pred_answer_diffs.append(batch_avg_answer_diff(circ_probs, batch))
                target_answer_diffs.append(batch_avg_answer_diff(default_probs, batch))
            mean_pred_diff = t.stack(pred_answer_diffs).mean().item()
            mean_target_diff = t.stack(target_answer_diffs).mean().item()
            means.append((edge_count, (mean_pred_diff / mean_target_diff) * 100))
            standard_devs.append((edge_count, 0.0))
            points.append((edge_count, t.tensor([])))
            ans_diff_percents = []
            for batch in test_loader:
                circ_probs = apply_prob_func(batch_outs[batch.key], dim=-1)
                default_probs = batch_default_probs[batch.key]
                circ_perc = batch_answer_diff_percents(circ_probs, default_probs, batch)
            ans_diff_percents =, dim=0)
            means.append((edge_count, ans_diff_percents.mean().item()))
            standard_devs.append((edge_count, ans_diff_percents.std().item()))
            points.append((edge_count, ans_diff_percents))
    return means, standard_devs, points


measure_answer_diff_percent(model: PatchableModel, test_loader: PromptDataLoader, circuit_outs: CircuitOutputs, prob_func: Literal['log_softmax', 'softmax', 'logits'] = 'logits', diff_of_means: bool = True) -> Measurements

Wrapper of answer_diff_percent that returns only the average answer difference percentage (the first element of the tuple).

Source code in auto_circuit/metrics/prune_metrics/
def measure_answer_diff_percent(
    model: PatchableModel,
    test_loader: PromptDataLoader,
    circuit_outs: CircuitOutputs,
    prob_func: Literal["log_softmax", "softmax", "logits"] = "logits",
    diff_of_means: bool = True,
) -> Measurements:
    Wrapper of
    that returns only the average answer difference
    percentage (the first element of the tuple).
    return answer_diff_percent(
        model, test_loader, circuit_outs, prob_func, diff_of_means