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Correct answer percent






measure_correct_ans_percent(model: PatchableModel, dataloader: PromptDataLoader, pruned_outs: CircuitOutputs, out_of_correct_and_incorrect_answers: bool = False) -> Measurements

Percentage of outputs for which the correct answer has the highest logit.


Name Type Description Default
model PatchableModel

Not used.

dataloader PromptDataLoader

The dataloader on which the pruned_outs were calculated.

pruned_outs CircuitOutputs

The outputs of the ablated model for each circuit size.

out_of_correct_and_incorrect_answers bool

Whether to calculate the proportion of prompts for which the correct answer has a higher logit than the incorrect answers (True). Otherwise, calculate the proportion of prompts for which the correct answer has the highest of all logits (False).

This is useful when you are particularly interested in the counterfactual comparison to the corrupt prompts. For example, in the Sports Player post Rajamanoharan et al. (2023) look at the proportion of prompts for which the correct sport has a greater logit than the two other sports.


This function assumes that each prompt in dataloader has only one correct answer. If not, an error will be raised.

Source code in auto_circuit/metrics/prune_metrics/
def measure_correct_ans_percent(
    model: PatchableModel,
    dataloader: PromptDataLoader,
    pruned_outs: CircuitOutputs,
    out_of_correct_and_incorrect_answers: bool = False,
) -> Measurements:
    Percentage of outputs for which the correct answer has the highest logit.

        model: Not used.
        dataloader: The dataloader on which the `pruned_outs` were calculated.
        pruned_outs: The outputs of the ablated model for each circuit size.
        out_of_correct_and_incorrect_answers: Whether to calculate the proportion of
            prompts for which the correct answer has a higher logit than the incorrect
            answers (`True`). Otherwise, calculate the proportion of prompts for which
            the correct answer has the highest of all logits (`False`).

            This is useful when you are particularly interested in the counterfactual
            comparison to the corrupt prompts. For example, in the Sports Player post
            Rajamanoharan et al.
            look at the proportion of prompts for which the correct sport has a
            greater logit than the two other sports.

        This function assumes that each prompt in `dataloader` has only one correct
            answer. If not, an error will be raised.
    measurements = []
    for edge_count, pruned_out in (pruned_out_pbar := tqdm(pruned_outs.items())):
        pruned_out_pbar.set_description_str(f"Correct Percent for {edge_count} edges")
        correct_proportions = []
        for batch in dataloader:
            assert isinstance(batch.answers, t.Tensor)
            logits = pruned_out[batch.key]
            if out_of_correct_and_incorrect_answers:
                correct_proportn = correct_answer_greater_than_incorrect_proportion(
                    logits, batch
                correct_proportn = correct_answer_proportion(logits, batch)
        # PromptDataLoaders have all batches the same size, so we mean the batch means
        correct_proportion = t.stack(correct_proportions).float().mean().item() * 100
        measurements.append((edge_count, correct_proportion))
    return measurements