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acdc_prune_scores(model: PatchableModel, dataloader: PromptDataLoader, official_edges: Optional[Set[Edge]], tao_exps: List[int] = list(range(-5, -1)), tao_bases: List[int] = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9], faithfulness_target: Literal['kl_div', 'mse'] = 'kl_div', test_mode: bool = False, run_circuits_ref: Optional[Callable[..., CircuitOutputs]] = None, show_graphs: bool = False, draw_seq_graph_ref: Optional[Callable[..., Figure]] = None) -> PruneScores

Run the ACDC algorithm from the paper "Towards Automated Circuit Discovery for Mechanistic Interpretability" (Conmy et al. (2023)).

The algorithm does not assign scores to each edge, instead it finds the edges to be pruned given a certain value of tao. So we run the algorithm for several values of tao (each combination of tao_exps and tao_bases) and give equal scores to all edges that are pruned for a given tao. Then we use test_edge_counts to pass edge counts to run_circuits such that all edges with the same score are pruned together.


Name Type Description Default
model PatchableModel

The model to find the circuit for.

dataloader PromptDataLoader

The dataloader to use for input and patches.

official_edges Optional[Set[Edge]]

Not used.

tao_exps List[int]

The exponents to use for the set of tao values.

list(range(-5, -1))
tao_bases List[int]

The bases to use for the set of tao values.

[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
faithfulness_target Literal['kl_div', 'mse']

The faithfulness metric to optimize the circuit for.

test_mode bool

Run the model in test mode. This mode computes the output of each ablation again using the slower run_circuits function and checks that the result is the same.

run_circuits_ref Optional[Callable[..., CircuitOutputs]]

Reference to the function run_circuits to use in test mode. Required to avoid a circular import.

show_graphs bool

Whether to visualize the model activations during training using draw_seq_graph. Very slow on all but the smallest models.

draw_seq_graph_ref Optional[Callable[..., Figure]]

Reference to the function draw_seq_graph to use in test mode. Required to avoid a circular import.



Type Description

An ordering of the edges by importance to the task. Importance is equal to the absolute value of the score assigned to the edge.


Only the first batch of the dataloader is used.

Source code in auto_circuit/prune_algos/
def acdc_prune_scores(
    model: PatchableModel,
    dataloader: PromptDataLoader,
    official_edges: Optional[Set[Edge]],
    tao_exps: List[int] = list(range(-5, -1)),
    tao_bases: List[int] = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9],
    faithfulness_target: Literal["kl_div", "mse"] = "kl_div",
    test_mode: bool = False,
    run_circuits_ref: Optional[Callable[..., CircuitOutputs]] = None,
    show_graphs: bool = False,
    draw_seq_graph_ref: Optional[Callable[..., go.Figure]] = None,
) -> PruneScores:
    Run the ACDC algorithm from the paper "Towards Automated Circuit Discovery for
    Mechanistic Interpretability"
    ([Conmy et al. (2023)](

    The algorithm does not assign scores to each edge, instead it finds the edges to be
    pruned given a certain value of tao. So we run the algorithm for several values of
    tao (each combination of `tao_exps` and `tao_bases`) and give equal scores to all
    edges that are pruned for a given tao. Then we use test_edge_counts to pass edge
    counts to run_circuits such that all edges with the same score are pruned together.

        model: The model to find the circuit for.
        dataloader: The dataloader to use for input and patches.
        official_edges: Not used.
        tao_exps: The exponents to use for the set of tao values.
        tao_bases: The bases to use for the set of tao values.
        faithfulness_target: The faithfulness metric to optimize the circuit for.
        test_mode: Run the model in test mode. This mode computes the output of each
            ablation again using the slower
            [`run_circuits`][auto_circuit.prune.run_circuits] function and checks that
            the result is the same.
        run_circuits_ref: Reference to the function
            [`run_circuits`][auto_circuit.prune.run_circuits] to use in test mode.
            Required to avoid a circular import.
        show_graphs: Whether to visualize the model activations during training using
            [`draw_seq_graph`][auto_circuit.visualize.draw_seq_graph]. Very slow on all
            but the smallest models.
        draw_seq_graph_ref: Reference to the function
            [`draw_seq_graph`][auto_circuit.visualize.draw_seq_graph] to use in test
            mode. Required to avoid a circular import.

        An ordering of the edges by importance to the task. Importance is equal to the
            absolute value of the score assigned to the edge.

        Only the first batch of the `dataloader` is used.
    model = model
    test_model = deepcopy(model) if test_mode else None
    out_slice = model.out_slice
    edges: OrderedSet[Edge] = OrderedSet(
        sorted(model.edges, key=lambda x: x.dest.layer, reverse=True)

    prune_scores = model.new_prune_scores(init_val=t.inf)
    for tao in (
        pbar_tao := tqdm([a * 10**b for a, b in product(tao_bases, tao_exps)])
        pbar_tao.set_description_str("ACDC \u03C4={:.7f}".format(tao), refresh=True)

        train_batch = next(iter(dataloader))
        clean_batch, corrupt_batch = train_batch.clean, train_batch.corrupt

        patch_outs_tensor = src_ablations(model, corrupt_batch)
        src_outs_tensor = src_ablations(model, clean_batch)

        with t.inference_mode():
            clean_out = model(clean_batch)[out_slice]
            toks, short_embd, attn_mask, resids = None, None, None, []
            if model.is_transformer:
                _, toks, short_embd, attn_mask = model.input_to_embed(clean_batch)
                _, cache = model.run_with_cache(clean_batch)
                n_layers = range(model.cfg.n_layers)
                resids = [cache[f"blocks.{i}.hook_resid_pre"].clone() for i in n_layers]
                del cache

        clean_logprobs = t.nn.functional.log_softmax(clean_out, dim=-1)

        prev_faith = 0.0
        removed_edges: OrderedSet[Edge] = OrderedSet([])

        set_all_masks(model, val=0.0)
        # We set curr_src_outs manually so we can skip layers before the current edge.
        with patch_mode(model, patch_outs_tensor, curr_src_outs=src_outs_tensor):
            for edge_idx, edge in enumerate((pbar_edge := tqdm(edges))):
                rmvd, left = len(removed_edges), edge_idx + 1 - len(removed_edges)
                desc = f"Removed: {rmvd}, Left: {left}, Current:'{edge}'"
                pbar_edge.set_description_str(desc, refresh=False)

                edge.patch_mask(model).data[edge.patch_idx] = 1.0
                with t.inference_mode():
                    if model.is_transformer:
                        start_layer = int(edge.dest.module_name.split(".")[1])
                        out = model(
                        out = model(clean_batch)[out_slice]

                if test_mode:
                    assert test_model is not None and run_circuits_ref is not None
                    render = show_graphs and (random() < 0.02 or len(edges) < 20)

                    print("ACDC model, with out=", out) if render else None
                    if render:
                        assert draw_seq_graph_ref is not None
                        draw_seq_graph_ref(model, None, True, True)

                    print("Test mode: running pruned model") if render else None
                    p = dict([(m, (s == t.inf) * 1.0) for m, s in prune_scores.items()])
                    p[edge.dest.module_name][edge.patch_idx] = 0.0  # Not in circuit
                    n_edge = edge_counts_util(set(edges), None, p, zero_edges=False)[0]
                    test_out = run_circuits_ref(
                    print("Test_out:", test_out) if render else None
                    assert t.allclose(out, test_out, atol=1e-3)

                if faithfulness_target == "kl_div":
                    out_logprobs = log_softmax(out, dim=-1)
                    faith = multibatch_kl_div(out_logprobs, clean_logprobs).item()
                elif faithfulness_target == "mse":
                    faith = mse_loss(out, clean_out).item()

                if faith - prev_faith < tao:  # Edge is unimportant
                    curr = edge.prune_score(prune_scores)
                    prune_scores[edge.dest.module_name][edge.patch_idx] = min(tao, curr)
                    prev_faith = faith
                else:  # Edge is important - don't patch it
                    edge.patch_mask(model).data[edge.patch_idx] = 0.0
    return prune_scores