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Mask gradient






mask_gradient_prune_scores(model: PatchableModel, dataloader: PromptDataLoader, official_edges: Optional[Set[Edge]], grad_function: Literal['logit', 'prob', 'logprob', 'logit_exp'], answer_function: Literal['avg_diff', 'avg_val', 'mse'], mask_val: Optional[float] = None, integrated_grad_samples: Optional[int] = None, ablation_type: AblationType = AblationType.RESAMPLE, clean_corrupt: Optional[Literal['clean', 'corrupt']] = 'corrupt') -> PruneScores

Prune scores equal to the gradient of the mask values that interpolates the edges between the clean activations and the ablated activations.


Name Type Description Default
model PatchableModel

The model to find the circuit for.

dataloader PromptDataLoader

The dataloader to use for input.

official_edges Optional[Set[Edge]]

Not used.

grad_function Literal['logit', 'prob', 'logprob', 'logit_exp']

Function to apply to the logits before taking the gradient.

answer_function Literal['avg_diff', 'avg_val', 'mse']

Loss function of the model output which the gradient is taken with respect to.

mask_val Optional[float]

Value of the mask to use for the forward pass. Cannot be used if integrated_grad_samples is not None.

integrated_grad_samples Optional[int]

If not None, we compute an approximation of the Integrated Gradients (Sundararajan et al., 2017) of the model output with respect to the mask values. This is computed by averaging the mask gradients over integrated_grad_samples samples of the mask values interpolated between 0 and 1. Cannot be used if mask_val is not None.

ablation_type AblationType

The type of ablation to perform.

clean_corrupt Optional[Literal['clean', 'corrupt']]

Whether to use the clean or corrupt inputs to calculate the ablations.



Type Description

An ordering of the edges by importance to the task. Importance is equal to the absolute value of the score assigned to the edge.


When grad_function="logit" and mask_val=0 this function is exactly equivalent to edge_attribution_patching_prune_scores.

Source code in auto_circuit/prune_algos/
def mask_gradient_prune_scores(
    model: PatchableModel,
    dataloader: PromptDataLoader,
    official_edges: Optional[Set[Edge]],
    grad_function: Literal["logit", "prob", "logprob", "logit_exp"],
    answer_function: Literal["avg_diff", "avg_val", "mse"],
    mask_val: Optional[float] = None,
    integrated_grad_samples: Optional[int] = None,
    ablation_type: AblationType = AblationType.RESAMPLE,
    clean_corrupt: Optional[Literal["clean", "corrupt"]] = "corrupt",
) -> PruneScores:
    Prune scores equal to the gradient of the mask values that interpolates the edges
    between the clean activations and the ablated activations.

        model: The model to find the circuit for.
        dataloader: The dataloader to use for input.
        official_edges: Not used.
        grad_function: Function to apply to the logits before taking the gradient.
        answer_function: Loss function of the model output which the gradient is taken
            with respect to.
        mask_val: Value of the mask to use for the forward pass. Cannot be used if
            `integrated_grad_samples` is not `None`.
        integrated_grad_samples: If not `None`, we compute an approximation of the
            Integrated Gradients
            [(Sundararajan et al., 2017)]( of the model
            output with respect to the mask values. This is computed by averaging the
            mask gradients over `integrated_grad_samples` samples of the mask values
            interpolated between 0 and 1. Cannot be used if `mask_val` is not `None`.
        ablation_type: The type of ablation to perform.
        clean_corrupt: Whether to use the clean or corrupt inputs to calculate the

        An ordering of the edges by importance to the task. Importance is equal to the
            absolute value of the score assigned to the edge.

        When `grad_function="logit"` and `mask_val=0` this function is exactly
        equivalent to
    assert (mask_val is not None) ^ (integrated_grad_samples is not None)  # ^ means XOR
    model = model
    out_slice = model.out_slice

    src_outs: Dict[BatchKey, t.Tensor] = batch_src_ablations(

    with train_mask_mode(model):
        for sample in (ig_pbar := tqdm(range((integrated_grad_samples or 0) + 1))):
            ig_pbar.set_description_str(f"Sample: {sample}")
            # Interpolate the mask value if integrating gradients. Else set the value.
            if integrated_grad_samples is not None:
                set_all_masks(model, val=sample / integrated_grad_samples)
                assert mask_val is not None and integrated_grad_samples is None
                set_all_masks(model, val=mask_val)

            for batch in dataloader:
                patch_src_outs = src_outs[batch.key].clone().detach()
                with patch_mode(model, patch_src_outs):
                    logits = model(batch.clean)[out_slice]
                    if grad_function == "logit":
                        token_vals = logits
                    elif grad_function == "prob":
                        token_vals = t.softmax(logits, dim=-1)
                    elif grad_function == "logprob":
                        token_vals = log_softmax(logits, dim=-1)
                    elif grad_function == "logit_exp":
                        numerator = t.exp(logits)
                        denominator = numerator.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
                        token_vals = numerator / denominator.detach()
                        raise ValueError(f"Unknown grad_function: {grad_function}")

                    if answer_function == "avg_diff":
                        loss = -batch_avg_answer_diff(token_vals, batch)
                    elif answer_function == "avg_val":
                        loss = -batch_avg_answer_val(token_vals, batch)
                    elif answer_function == "mse":
                        loss = t.nn.functional.mse_loss(token_vals, batch.answers)
                        raise ValueError(f"Unknown answer_function: {answer_function}")


    prune_scores: PruneScores = {}
    for dest_wrapper in model.dest_wrappers:
        grad = dest_wrapper.patch_mask.grad
        assert grad is not None
        prune_scores[dest_wrapper.module_name] = grad.detach().clone()
    return prune_scores