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Subnetwork probing






subnetwork_probing_prune_scores(model: PatchableModel, dataloader: PromptDataLoader, official_edges: Optional[Set[Edge]], learning_rate: float = 0.1, epochs: int = 20, regularize_lambda: float = 10, mask_fn: MaskFn = 'hard_concrete', dropout_p: float = 0.0, init_val: float = init_mask_val, show_train_graph: bool = False, circuit_size: Optional[int] = None, tree_optimisation: bool = False, avoid_edges: Optional[Set[Edge]] = None, avoid_lambda: float = 1.0, faithfulness_target: SP_FAITHFULNESS_TARGET = 'kl_div', validation_dataloader: Optional[PromptDataLoader] = None) -> PruneScores

Optimize the edge mask values using gradient descent to maximize the faithfulness of and minimize the number of edges in the circuit. This is based loosely on Subnetwork Probing (Cao et al., 2021).


Name Type Description Default
model PatchableModel

The model to find the circuit for.

dataloader PromptDataLoader

The dataloader to use for training input and ablation.

official_edges Optional[Set[Edge]]

Not used.

learning_rate float

The learning rate for the optimizer.

epochs int

The number of epochs to train for.

regularize_lambda float

The weight of the regularization term, that tries to minimize the number of edges in the circuit.

mask_fn MaskFn

The function to use to transform the mask values before they are used to interpolate edges between the clean and ablated activations. Note that "hard_concrete" is generally recommended and is often critical for strong performance. See MaskFn for more details.

dropout_p float

The dropout probability of the masks to use during training.

init_val float

The initial value of the mask values. This can be sensitive when using the "hard_concrete" mask function. The default value is the value used by Cao et al.

show_train_graph bool

Whether to show a graph of the training loss.

circuit_size Optional[int]

The size of the circuit to aim for. When this is not None, the regularization term equals ReLU(n_mask - circuit_size) (sign is corrected for the value of tree_optimisation).

tree_optimisation bool

If True, the input to the model is the clean input, and the mask values are optimized to ablate as many edges as possible. If False, the corrupt input is used, and the mask values are optimized to Resample Ablate (with the clean activations) as few edges as possible.

avoid_edges Optional[Set[Edge]]

A set of edges to avoid. An extra penalty is added to the loss for each edge in this set that is included in the circuit.

avoid_lambda float

The weight of the penalty for avoid_edges.

faithfulness_target SP_FAITHFULNESS_TARGET

The faithfulness metric to optimize the circuit for.

validation_dataloader Optional[PromptDataLoader]

If not None the faithfulness metric is also computed on this dataloader and plotted in the training graph (if show_train_graph is True).



Type Description

An ordering of the edges by importance to the task. Importance is equal to the absolute value of the score assigned to the edge.

Source code in auto_circuit/prune_algos/
def subnetwork_probing_prune_scores(
    model: PatchableModel,
    dataloader: PromptDataLoader,
    official_edges: Optional[Set[Edge]],
    learning_rate: float = 0.1,
    epochs: int = 20,
    regularize_lambda: float = 10,
    mask_fn: MaskFn = "hard_concrete",
    dropout_p: float = 0.0,
    init_val: float = init_mask_val,
    show_train_graph: bool = False,
    circuit_size: Optional[int] = None,
    tree_optimisation: bool = False,
    avoid_edges: Optional[Set[Edge]] = None,
    avoid_lambda: float = 1.0,
    faithfulness_target: SP_FAITHFULNESS_TARGET = "kl_div",
    validation_dataloader: Optional[PromptDataLoader] = None,
) -> PruneScores:
    Optimize the edge mask values using gradient descent to maximize the faithfulness of
    and minimize the number of edges in the circuit. This is based loosely on Subnetwork
    Probing [(Cao et al., 2021)](

        model: The model to find the circuit for.
        dataloader: The dataloader to use for training input and ablation.
        official_edges: Not used.
        learning_rate: The learning rate for the optimizer.
        epochs: The number of epochs to train for.
        regularize_lambda: The weight of the regularization term, that tries to minimize
            the number of edges in the circuit.
        mask_fn: The function to use to transform the mask values before they are used
            to interpolate edges between the clean and ablated activations. Note that
            `"hard_concrete"` is generally recommended and is often critical for strong
            performance. See [`MaskFn`][auto_circuit.types.MaskFn] for more details.
        dropout_p: The dropout probability of the masks to use during training.
        init_val: The initial value of the mask values. This can be sensitive when using
            the `"hard_concrete"` mask function. The default value is the value used by
            Cao et al.
        show_train_graph: Whether to show a graph of the training loss.
        circuit_size: The size of the circuit to aim for. When this is not `None`, the
            regularization term equals `ReLU(n_mask - circuit_size)` (sign is corrected
            for the value of `tree_optimisation`).
        tree_optimisation: If `True`, the input to the model is the clean input, and the
            mask values are optimized to ablate as many edges as possible. If `False`,
            the corrupt input is used, and the mask values are optimized to Resample
            Ablate (with the clean activations) as few edges as possible.
        avoid_edges: A set of edges to avoid. An extra penalty is added to the loss for
            each edge in this set that is included in the circuit.
        avoid_lambda: The weight of the penalty for `avoid_edges`.
        faithfulness_target: The faithfulness metric to optimize the circuit for.
        validation_dataloader: If not `None` the faithfulness metric is also computed on
            this dataloader and plotted in the training graph (if `show_train_graph` is

        An ordering of the edges by importance to the task. Importance is equal to the
            absolute value of the score assigned to the edge.
    assert len(dataloader) > 0, "Dataloader is empty"

    out_slice = model.out_slice
    n_edges = model.n_edges
    n_avoid = len(avoid_edges or [])

    clean_logits: Dict[BatchKey, t.Tensor] = {}
    with t.inference_mode():
        for batch in dataloader:
            clean_logits[batch.key] = model(batch.clean)[out_slice]

    val_clean_logits: Optional[Dict[BatchKey, t.Tensor]] = None
    if validation_dataloader is not None:
        val_clean_logits = {}
        with t.inference_mode():
            for batch in validation_dataloader:
                val_clean_out = model(batch.clean)[out_slice]
                val_clean_logits[batch.key] = log_softmax(val_clean_out, dim=-1)

    src_outs: Dict[BatchKey, t.Tensor] = batch_src_ablations(
        # ablation_type=AblationType.RESAMPLE,
        # clean_corrupt="corrupt" if tree_optimisation else "clean",

    val_src_outs: Optional[Dict[BatchKey, t.Tensor]] = None
    if validation_dataloader is not None:
        val_src_outs = batch_src_ablations(
            # ablation_type=AblationType.RESAMPLE,
            # clean_corrupt="corrupt" if tree_optimisation else "clean",

    losses, faiths, val_faiths, val_stds, regularizes = [], [], [], [], []
    set_all_masks(model, val=init_val if tree_optimisation else -init_val)
    with train_mask_mode(model) as patch_masks, mask_fn_mode(model, mask_fn, dropout_p):
        mask_params = patch_masks.values()
        optim = t.optim.Adam(mask_params, lr=learning_rate)
        for epoch in (epoch_pbar := tqdm(range(epochs))):
            faith_str = f"{faithfulness_target}: {faiths[-1]:.3f}" if epoch > 0 else ""
            desc = f"Loss: {losses[-1]:.3f}, {faith_str}" if epoch > 0 else ""
            epoch_pbar.set_description_str(f"{SP} Epoch {epoch} " + desc, refresh=False)
            for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(dataloader):
                input_batch = batch.clean if tree_optimisation else batch.corrupt
                patch_outs = src_outs[batch.key].clone().detach()
                with patch_mode(model, patch_outs):
                    train_logits = model(input_batch)[out_slice]
                    if faithfulness_target == "kl_div":
                        faithful_term = multibatch_kl_div(
                            log_softmax(train_logits, dim=-1),
                            log_softmax(clean_logits[batch.key], dim=-1),
                    elif faithfulness_target == "mse":
                        faithful_term = mse_loss(train_logits, batch.answers)
                    elif faithfulness_target == "correct_percent":
                        faithful_term = correct_answer_proportion(train_logits, batch)
                    elif faithfulness_target == "logit_diff_percent":
                        logit_diffs = batch_answer_diff_percents(
                            train_logits, clean_logits[batch.key], batch
                        logit_diff_term = t.abs(100 - logit_diffs).mean()
                        faithful_term = logit_diff_term
                        assert faithfulness_target in ["answer", "wrong_answer"]
                        wrong = faithfulness_target == "wrong_answer"
                        faithful_term = -batch_avg_answer_val(
                            train_logits, batch, wrong
                    masks =[patch_mask.flatten() for patch_mask in mask_params])
                    if mask_fn == "hard_concrete":
                        masks = sample_hard_concrete(masks, batch_size=1)
                    elif mask_fn == "sigmoid":
                        masks = t.sigmoid(masks)
                    n_mask = n_edges - masks.sum() if tree_optimisation else masks.sum()
                    if circuit_size:
                        n_mask = t.relu(n_mask - circuit_size)
                    regularize = n_mask / (circuit_size if circuit_size else n_edges)
                    for edge in avoid_edges or []:  # Penalize banned edges
                        wgt = (-1 if tree_optimisation else 1) * avoid_lambda / n_avoid
                        penalty = edge.patch_mask(model)[edge.patch_idx]
                        const = regularize_const if mask_fn == "hard_concrete" else 0.0
                        if mask_fn is not None:
                            penalty = t.sigmoid(penalty - const)
                        regularize += wgt * penalty
                    loss = faithful_term + regularize * regularize_lambda
                    regularizes.append(regularize.item() * regularize_lambda)

                if validation_dataloader is not None:
                    assert val_src_outs is not None and val_clean_logits is not None
                    val_batch = next(iter(validation_dataloader))
                    for validation_idx, validation_batch in enumerate(
                        if validation_idx == batch_idx:
                            val_batch = validation_batch
                    val_patch_outs = val_src_outs[val_batch.key].clone().detach()
                    with patch_mode(model, val_patch_outs), t.no_grad():
                        val_input_batch = (
                            val_batch.clean if tree_optimisation else val_batch.corrupt
                        val_logits = model(val_input_batch)[out_slice]
                        val_faithful_term = batch_answer_diff_percents(
                            log_softmax(val_logits, dim=-1),

        xtreme_f = max if tree_optimisation else min
        xtreme_torch_f = t.max if tree_optimisation else t.min
        xtreme_val = abs(xtreme_f([xtreme_torch_f(msk).item() for msk in mask_params]))

    if show_train_graph:
        fig = go.Figure()
        fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(y=losses, name="Loss"))
        fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(y=faiths, name=faithfulness_target.title()))
                error_y=dict(type="data", array=val_stds),
                name=f"Val {faithfulness_target.title()}",
        fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(y=regularizes, name="Regularization"))
        fig.update_layout(title="Subnetwork Probing", xaxis_title="Step")

    sign = -1 if tree_optimisation else 1
    prune_scores: PruneScores = {}
    for mod_name, patch_mask in model.patch_masks.items():
        prune_scores[mod_name] = xtreme_val + sign * patch_mask.detach().clone()
    return prune_scores