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draw_seq_graph(model: PatchableModel, prune_scores: Optional[PruneScores] = None, score_threshold: float = 0.01, show_all_seq_pos: bool = False, seq_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, layer_spacing: bool = False, orientation: Literal['h', 'v'] = 'h', display_ipython: bool = True, file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> Figure

Draw the sankey for all token positions in a PatchableModel (drawn separately for each token position if the model has a seq_len).

If prune_scores is None, the diagram will show the current activations and mask values of the model. If prune_scores is provided, the diagram will use these edge scores and won't show activations.

The mask values or prune_scores are used to set the width of each edge.


Name Type Description Default
model PatchableModel

The model to visualize.

prune_scores Optional[PruneScores]

The edge scores to use for the visualization. If None, the current activations and mask values of the model will be visualized instead.

score_threshold float

The minimum absolute edge score to show in the diagram.

show_all_seq_pos bool

If True, the diagram will show all token positions, even if they have no non-zero edge values. If False, only token positions with non-zero edge values will be shown.

seq_labels Optional[List[str]]

The labels for each token position.

layer_spacing bool

If True, all nodes are spaced according to the layer they in. Otherwise, the Plotly automatic spacing is used and nodes in later layers may appear to the left of nodes in earlier layers. If True the output may be much wider if only a few edges are drawn.

orientation Literal['h', 'v']

The orientation of the sankey diagram. Can be either "h" for horizontal or "v" for vertical.

display_ipython bool

If True, the diagram will be displayed in the current ipython environment.

file_path Optional[str]

If provided, the diagram will be saved to this file path. The file extension determines the format of the saved image.

Source code in auto_circuit/
def draw_seq_graph(
    model: PatchableModel,
    prune_scores: Optional[PruneScores] = None,
    score_threshold: float = 1e-2,
    show_all_seq_pos: bool = False,
    seq_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    layer_spacing: bool = False,
    orientation: Literal["h", "v"] = "h",
    display_ipython: bool = True,
    file_path: Optional[str] = None,
) -> go.Figure:
    Draw the sankey for all token positions in a
    [`PatchableModel`][auto_circuit.utils.patchable_model.PatchableModel] (drawn
    separately for each token position if the model has a `seq_len`).

    If `prune_scores` is `None`, the diagram will show the current activations and mask
    values of the model. If `prune_scores` is provided, the diagram will use these edge
    scores and won't show activations.

    The mask values or `prune_scores` are used to set the width of each edge.

        model: The model to visualize.
        prune_scores: The edge scores to use for the visualization. If `None`, the
            current activations and mask values of the model will be visualized instead.
        score_threshold: The minimum _absolute_ edge score to show in the diagram.
        show_all_seq_pos: If `True`, the diagram will show all token positions, even if
            they have no non-zero edge values. If `False`, only token positions with
            non-zero edge values will be shown.
        seq_labels: The labels for each token position.
        layer_spacing: If `True`, all nodes are spaced according to the layer they in.
            Otherwise, the Plotly automatic spacing is used and nodes in later layers
            may appear to the left of nodes in earlier layers. If `True` the output may
            be much wider if only a few edges are drawn.
        orientation: The orientation of the sankey diagram. Can be either `"h"` for
            horizontal or `"v"` for vertical.
        display_ipython: If `True`, the diagram will be displayed in the current
            ipython environment.
        file_path: If provided, the diagram will be saved to this file path. The file
            extension determines the format of the saved image.
    seq_len = model.seq_len or 1

    # Calculate the vertical interval for each sub-diagram
    if prune_scores is None:
        edge_scores = model.current_patch_masks_as_prune_scores().values()
        edge_scores = prune_scores.values()
    ps = [t.clamp(v.abs() - score_threshold, min=0).sum().item() for v in edge_scores]
    total_ps = max(sum(ps), 1e-2)
    if seq_len > 1:
        sankey_heights: Dict[Optional[int], float] = {}
        for patch_mask in edge_scores:
            ps_seq_tots = t.clamp(patch_mask.abs() - score_threshold, min=0.0)
            ps_seq_tots = ps_seq_tots.sum(dim=list(range(1, patch_mask.ndim)))
            for seq_idx, ps_seq_tot in enumerate(ps_seq_tots):
                if ps_seq_tot > 0 or show_all_seq_pos:
                    if seq_idx not in sankey_heights:
                        sankey_heights[seq_idx] = 0
                    sankey_heights[seq_idx] += ps_seq_tot.item()

        for seq_idx in model.edge_dict.keys():
            min_height = total_ps / (len(model.edge_dict) * 2)
            if show_all_seq_pos:
                sankey_heights[seq_idx] = max(sankey_heights[seq_idx], min_height)
        margin_height: float = total_ps / ((n_figs := len(sankey_heights)) * 2)
        total_height = sum(sankey_heights.values()) + margin_height * (n_figs - 1)
        intervals, interval_start = {}, total_height
        for seq_idx, height in sorted(
            sankey_heights.items(), key=lambda x: (x is None, x)
            interval_end = interval_start - (margin_height if len(intervals) > 0 else 0)
            interval_start = interval_end - height
            intervals[seq_idx] = max(interval_start / total_height, 1e-6), min(
                interval_end / total_height, 1 - 1e-6
        intervals = {list(model.edge_dict.keys())[0]: (0, 1)}

    # Draw the sankey for each token position
    sankeys, n_layers = [], 0
    for seq_idx, vert_interval in intervals.items():
        edge_set = set(model.edge_dict[seq_idx])
        viz, n_layers = net_viz(

    if orientation == "h":
        h = max(250 * len(sankeys), 400)
        w = max(50 * n_layers, 600)
        h = max(50 * n_layers, 600)
        w = max(700 * len(sankeys), 800)
    layout = go.Layout(height=h, width=w, plot_bgcolor="blue")
    fig = go.Figure(data=sankeys, layout=layout)
    for fig_idx, seq_idx in enumerate(intervals.keys()) if seq_labels else []:
        assert seq_labels is not None
        seq_label = "All tokens" if seq_idx is None else seq_labels[seq_idx]
        y_range: Tuple[float, float] =[fig_idx].domain["y"]  # type: ignore
            y=(y_range[0] + y_range[1]) / 2,
    if display_ipython:
    if file_path:
        absolute_path: Path = repo_path_to_abs_path(file_path)
    return fig


net_viz(model: PatchableModel, seq_edges: Set[Edge], prune_scores: Optional[PruneScores], vert_interval: Tuple[float, float], seq_idx: Optional[int] = None, score_threshold: float = 0.01, layer_spacing: bool = False, orientation: Literal['h', 'v'] = 'h') -> Tuple[Sankey, int]

Draw the sankey diagram for a single token position. If prune_scores is None, the diagram will show the current activations and edge scores of the model. If prune_scores is provided, the diagram will use these edge scores and won't show activations.


Name Type Description Default
model PatchableModel

The model to visualize.

seq_edges Set[Edge]

The edges to visualize. This should be the edges at a single token position if model.seq_len is not None. Otherwise, this should be all the edges in the model.

prune_scores Optional[PruneScores]

The edge scores to use for the visualization. If None, the current activations and mask values of the model will be visualized instead.

vert_interval Tuple[float, float]

The vertical interval to place the diagram in the figure. Must be in the range (0, 1). This is used by draw_seq_graph to place the diagrams for each token position in the figure. If you are using this function to create a standalone diagram, you can set this to (0, 1).

seq_idx Optional[int]

The token position being visualized, this is used to get the correct slice of activations (if prune_scores is None) to label the edges.


If True, all edges will be shown, even if their edge score is close to zero. If False, only edges with a non-zero edge score will be shown.

layer_spacing bool

If True, all nodes are spaced according to the layer they in. Otherwise, the Plotly automatic spacing is used and nodes in later layers may appear to the left of nodes in earlier layers.

orientation Literal['h', 'v']

The orientation of the sankey diagram. Can be either "h" for horizontal or "v" for vertical.



Type Description
Tuple[Sankey, int]

The sankey diagram for the given token position.


This is a lower level function, it is generally recommended to use draw_seq_graph instead.

Source code in auto_circuit/
def net_viz(
    model: PatchableModel,
    seq_edges: Set[Edge],
    prune_scores: Optional[PruneScores],
    vert_interval: Tuple[float, float],
    seq_idx: Optional[int] = None,
    score_threshold: float = 1e-2,
    layer_spacing: bool = False,
    orientation: Literal["h", "v"] = "h",
) -> Tuple[go.Sankey, int]:
    Draw the sankey diagram for a single token position.
    If `prune_scores` is `None`, the diagram will show the current activations and edge
    scores of the model. If `prune_scores` is provided, the diagram will use these edge
    scores and won't show activations.

        model: The model to visualize.
        seq_edges: The edges to visualize. This should be the edges at a single token
            position if `model.seq_len` is not `None`. Otherwise, this should be all the
            edges in the model.
        prune_scores: The edge scores to use for the visualization. If `None`, the
            current activations and mask values of the model will be visualized instead.
        vert_interval: The vertical interval to place the diagram in the figure. Must
            be in the range `(0, 1)`. This is used by
            [`draw_seq_graph`][auto_circuit.visualize.draw_seq_graph] to place the
            diagrams for each token position in the figure. If you are using this
            function to create a standalone diagram, you can set this to `(0, 1)`.
        seq_idx: The token position being visualized, this is used to get the correct
            slice of activations (if `prune_scores` is `None`) to label the edges.
        show_all_edges: If `True`, all edges will be shown, even if their edge score is
            close to zero. If `False`, only edges with a non-zero edge score will be
        layer_spacing: If `True`, all nodes are spaced according to the layer they in.
            Otherwise, the Plotly automatic spacing is used and nodes in later layers
            may appear to the left of nodes in earlier layers.
        orientation: The orientation of the sankey diagram. Can be either `"h"` for
            horizontal or `"v"` for vertical.

        The sankey diagram for the given token position.

        This is a lower level function, it is generally recommended to use
        [`draw_seq_graph`][auto_circuit.visualize.draw_seq_graph] instead.

    nodes: OrderedSet[Node] = OrderedSet(model.nodes)
    un = False if orientation == "h" else True

    # Define the sankey nodes
    viz_nodes: Dict[str, Node] = dict([(node_name(, un), n) for n in nodes])
    node_idxs: Dict[str, int] = dict([(n, i) for i, n in enumerate(viz_nodes.keys())])
    lyr_nodes: Dict[int, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
    for n in viz_nodes.values():
    graph_nodes = {
        "label": ["" for _, _ in viz_nodes.items()],
        "color": ["rgba(0,0,0,0.0)" for _, _ in viz_nodes.items()],
        "line": dict(width=0.0),

    # Define the sankey edges
    sources, targets, values, labels, colors = [], [], [], [], []
    included_layer_nodes: Dict[int, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
    for e in seq_edges:
        if prune_scores is None:
            no_edge_score_error = "Visualization requires patch mode or PruneScores."
            assert e.dest.module(model).curr_src_outs is not None, no_edge_score_error
            edge_score = e.patch_mask(model).data[e.patch_idx].item()
            if edge_score == 1.0:  # Show the patched edge activation
                lbl = e.dest.module(model).patch_src_outs[e.src.src_idx]
                lbl = e.dest.module(model).curr_src_outs[e.src.src_idx]
            edge_score = prune_scores[e.dest.module_name][e.patch_idx].item()
            lbl = None

        if abs(edge_score) < score_threshold:

        color_idx = len(sources) % len(COLOR_PALETTE)
        sources.append(node_idxs[node_name(, un)])
        graph_nodes["label"][node_idxs[node_name(, un)]] = node_name(
  , un
        graph_nodes["color"][node_idxs[node_name(, un)]] = COLOR_PALETTE[
        targets.append(node_idxs[node_name(, un)])
        graph_nodes["label"][node_idxs[node_name(, un)]] = node_name(
  , un
        graph_nodes["color"][node_idxs[node_name(, un)]] = COLOR_PALETTE[
        values.append(0.8 if prune_scores is None else abs(edge_score))
        lbl = t_fmt(lbl, model.seq_dim, seq_idx, "<br>")
        lbl = + "<br>" + lbl + f"<br>{edge_score:.2f}"
        if edge_score == 0:
            edge_color = "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)"
        elif edge_score > 0:
            edge_color = "rgba(0,0,255,0.3)"
            edge_color = "rgba(255,0,0,0.3)"

    included_layer_count = len(included_layer_nodes)
    # Add ghost edges to horizontally align nodes to the correct layer
    for i in lyr_nodes.keys():
        if i not in included_layer_nodes:
            included_layer_nodes[i] = [lyr_nodes[i][0]]
    if layer_spacing:
        included_layer_count = len(included_layer_nodes)

    ordered_lyr_nodes = [nodes for _, nodes in sorted(included_layer_nodes.items())]

    # Don't add ghost edges if layer_spacing is False
    if not layer_spacing:
        ordered_lyr_nodes = []

    ghost_edge_val = 1e-6
    for lyr_1_nodes, lyr_2_nodes in zip(ordered_lyr_nodes[:-1], ordered_lyr_nodes[1:]):
        first_lyr_1_node = lyr_1_nodes[0]
        first_lyr_2_node = lyr_2_nodes[0]
        for lyr_1_node in lyr_1_nodes:
            sources.append(node_idxs[node_name(lyr_1_node, un)])
            targets.append(node_idxs[node_name(first_lyr_2_node, un)])
        for lyr_2_node in lyr_2_nodes:
            sources.append(node_idxs[node_name(first_lyr_1_node, un)])
            targets.append(node_idxs[node_name(lyr_2_node, un)])

    return (
                "arrowlen": 25,
                "source": sources,
                "target": targets,
                "value": values,
                "label": labels,
                "color": colors,
            domain={"y": vert_interval},